
The Ryokan Collection Loyalty Program Membership is intended for individuals. Membership is complimentary. Enrollment in select guest automatically includes and entitles the member to our valued membership benefits.


    Qualifying The Ryokan Collection Loyalty Program Members will earn a one-night Free Night Award every ten stays in more than three different member ryokans within three years at a qualifying rate at The Ryokan Collection’s member ryokan.


    The Ryokan Collection Loyalty Program offers Exclusive Experiences, providing special access to cultural events and attractions not easily available to the public. Charges apply and must be paid through The Ryokan Collection before the experience. Refer to the Terms & Conditions for more details.


    If guests need assistance with a travel consultancy service, transfers, or special activity arrangements during their stay in Japan, the staff at our exclusive concierge service, ZENSES, are delighted to help.

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Qualifying LRC members will earn a one-night Free Night Award every ten stays in more than three different member ryokans within three years at a qualifying rate at The Ryokan Collection’s member ryokan.

  1. All accommodations are subject to availability at the time of reservation. Advanced reservations are required and must be booked through The Ryokan Collection, in order to credit your stay.
  2. Free night redemption includes room, dinner, breakfast and tax. Other incidental expenses such as transportation, beverages, lunch, spa treatments, etc., may not be applied and will be charged upon check-out.
  3. If a member fails to cancel a guaranteed Free Night Award reservation within the permitted cancellation period, The Ryokan Collection reserves the right to modify the stay and void the Free Night Award certificate.
  4. Free Night Awards will expire in 12 months from the date issued.
  5. Free Night Awards that have been bartered, sold, exchanged, or issued fraudulently to someone other than the eligible member will be void.
  6. Free Night Awards may not be exchanged or redeemed by LRC members for cash, prizes, or credit.

Registration Form

In anticipation of your arrival, so that we may serve you better, we would appreciate your sharing with us on any special interests or requirements you may have. Information provided is kept in the strictest confidence. Kindly fill in one form per guest.

New User Registration
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