OUR DEDICATION TO YOUR WELL-BEING 【ザ・リョカンコレクション 衛生管理/公衆衛生ステートメント】
What have we learned from the global Covid-19 pandemic in Japan? This is what we at The Ryokan Collection have been asking in recent months. It is important to consider why the outbreak of infection in Japan was minimal. We can look at cultural attitudes related to health, lifestyle and hygiene to find answers. Our way of living, with an appropriate sense of distance between people, has always been important to provide privacy and tranquility for our valued customers. This has resulted in reducing the risk of infection. Such traditional cultural values, including a deep respect for nature and each other, remain at the heart of Japanese hospitality.
Among our network of beautiful ryokans, we have taken extensive measures to guarantee the health and safety of our guests. You are welcome to view the websites of our member establishments for further details regarding their latest hygiene management policies.
Among our network of beautiful ryokans, we have taken extensive measures to guarantee the health and safety of our guests. You are welcome to view the websites of our member establishments for further details regarding their latest hygiene management policies.
1. The Sense of Cleanliness 〜 公衆衛生への思い
Japan has the reputation as the cleanest country in the world. This has been true since foreign travelers journeyed to Japan in the age of the samurai. Our sense of cleanliness comes from the respect we have for nature, people and all things. We can even say this is the essence of Japanese culture. Wherever you travel in Japan you see this sense of purity and cleanliness is constantly maintained, not only within personal spaces, but also in public areas. That is why the streets and public toilets are kept so clean. We are taught as children that by maintaining cleanliness, we can express the beauty of our hearts. From these experiences are born our moral sense of hygiene.
数百年前の侍の時代に日本を訪れた外国人識者たちは口を揃えて日本は世界一清潔な国だと言いました。それは日本文化の根底にある「人とモノを敬い、思いやる」という精神性があります。自分の敷地だけでなく、公共の場を、使う人の身になって考え、常に清潔に保つ。こういった精神が、歴史を超えて永続的な清潔感を生みました。 我々日本人はこの公衆道徳を幼少のころから叩き込まれ、身の周りを清潔に保てない者に、心の美しさは得られないと教えられてきました。
数百年前の侍の時代に日本を訪れた外国人識者たちは口を揃えて日本は世界一清潔な国だと言いました。それは日本文化の根底にある「人とモノを敬い、思いやる」という精神性があります。自分の敷地だけでなく、公共の場を、使う人の身になって考え、常に清潔に保つ。こういった精神が、歴史を超えて永続的な清潔感を生みました。 我々日本人はこの公衆道徳を幼少のころから叩き込まれ、身の周りを清潔に保てない者に、心の美しさは得られないと教えられてきました。
2. Purification in Daily Life 〜 清めの精神性
Purification is at the core of the Japanese spiritual teachings of Shinto. When we enter a shrine, we wash our hands with fresh water from a ladle. This is a ritual of purification we do before prayer. It is the same at our ryokans. You may notice the sprinkling of fresh water at our entrances. You may discover a little dish of salt as well. These are rituals to not only cleanse the entrance to our ryokans, but also to welcome our guests into a perfectly clean environment. By removing our footwear, we leave the impure world behind, and enter the clean inner space. For centuries, we have welcomed our guests by adhering to these traditions of purification.
3. Honoring Personal Space 〜 他人の領域への思慮
In the act of bowing, Japanese people convey their respect and appreciation for others. This is also a way to acknowledge personal space, measured by the necessary distance to avoid bumping heads. With such distance, we thoroughly consider the needs of our guests, and aim to provide our best service.
As handshakes and hugging are not common ways of social interaction in Japan, by honoring personal space, we can express our care for privacy and sense the delicate warmth of feeling with each other.
As handshakes and hugging are not common ways of social interaction in Japan, by honoring personal space, we can express our care for privacy and sense the delicate warmth of feeling with each other.
4. Elegant Simplicity 〜 質朴の美
In simplicity we experience tranquility. In minimalism we discover new realms of beauty. In our homes and ryokans, a simple flower arrangement becomes an immaculate expression of our dedication to hospitality.
Such elegant sophistication sustains the highest levels of cleanliness and provides the utmost satisfaction for our guests. Rather than relying on words, a greeting expressed from the heart reflects the spirit of Japanese hospitality.
Such elegant sophistication sustains the highest levels of cleanliness and provides the utmost satisfaction for our guests. Rather than relying on words, a greeting expressed from the heart reflects the spirit of Japanese hospitality.
5. The Ultimate Hospitality 〜 究極のおもてなし
One of the main attractions of our ryokans is the dining experience. It is an unforgettable opportunity to enjoy the finest local ingredients and seasonal delicacies, presented by creative chefs and arranged beautifully with exquisite tableware and utensils. The traditional style of ryokan dining is to receive meals served in the privacy of one's room. To provide guests with a variety of private dining options, we also offer meals in the comfortable setting of specially prepared dining rooms.
At any of our ryokans a high degree of importance is placed on the pleasures of bathing, an important aspect of everyday life which goes beyond the custom of maintaining personal hygiene. Our staff pay great care and attention to optimize the quality of our facilities. Whether you prefer the spaciousness of a public bath, or a hot spring in the privacy of your room, you can rest assured that the bathing facilities are continuously kept clean and virus free. After all, bathing at a Japanese hot springs is meant to relax and cleanse your body and mind. This is the way Japanese hospitality has evolved over 1300 years.
日本旅館の伝統的なお食事スタイルとして、客室にてお食事を召し上がっていただきます。現在ではお部屋とは別に、Private Diningなど様々なスタイルでお客様をお迎えしますが、昔からプライベートかつ徹底的に清められた空間でお食事を楽しんでいただくという事は我々の最も大切にしてきた思いです。旅館のメインアトラクションは食事です。素晴らしい地元の食材を堪能いただくだけでなく、芸術的な器、季節を表現した盛り付け、洗練された空間、給仕の美しい振る舞い、非日常の食事空間の中で最高のひと時を演出してきました。また、私たち日本人の高い清潔感を支えてきたお風呂の習慣も重要です。日本旅館、小規模ホテルでは我々の生活習慣の一部であるお風呂の空間を大切にしています。よって、大浴場であってもお部屋の温泉であっても常に清潔に保たれ、ウイルスとは無縁です。安心してその土地その土地の温泉に浸かり、リラックスし、心と体を清めてください。
At any of our ryokans a high degree of importance is placed on the pleasures of bathing, an important aspect of everyday life which goes beyond the custom of maintaining personal hygiene. Our staff pay great care and attention to optimize the quality of our facilities. Whether you prefer the spaciousness of a public bath, or a hot spring in the privacy of your room, you can rest assured that the bathing facilities are continuously kept clean and virus free. After all, bathing at a Japanese hot springs is meant to relax and cleanse your body and mind. This is the way Japanese hospitality has evolved over 1300 years.
日本旅館の伝統的なお食事スタイルとして、客室にてお食事を召し上がっていただきます。現在ではお部屋とは別に、Private Diningなど様々なスタイルでお客様をお迎えしますが、昔からプライベートかつ徹底的に清められた空間でお食事を楽しんでいただくという事は我々の最も大切にしてきた思いです。旅館のメインアトラクションは食事です。素晴らしい地元の食材を堪能いただくだけでなく、芸術的な器、季節を表現した盛り付け、洗練された空間、給仕の美しい振る舞い、非日常の食事空間の中で最高のひと時を演出してきました。また、私たち日本人の高い清潔感を支えてきたお風呂の習慣も重要です。日本旅館、小規模ホテルでは我々の生活習慣の一部であるお風呂の空間を大切にしています。よって、大浴場であってもお部屋の温泉であっても常に清潔に保たれ、ウイルスとは無縁です。安心してその土地その土地の温泉に浸かり、リラックスし、心と体を清めてください。