Iroi (Japanese Traditional Fire Place) Lobby
The unassuming beauty of Wanosato's main structure comes from the use of natural building materials and traditional techniques over hundreds of years. Here in the lobby with its earthen floor and other natural elements one can feel the deep understanding and appreciation of wood in Japan. The timbers are rendered shiny and dark over time by soot from the large hearth that is the core of life for the guests and staff that stay and work here.

This cozy designated area where guests are greeted under the vaulted beauty of the large uncut timbers, and where guests also depart from, but are never said good-bye to, is truly a unique aspect of life at the inn. Guests are invited to sit by an open built-in hearth called and 'irori' where the fire blazes from the early hours on into the night.

Stories are told, dreams are remembered and the laughs and smiles shared by the newly acquainted keep the communal room warm and alive. It is a place to simply relax, relish in conversation and enjoy the unique drinks that are offered in the evening sip by indulgent sip.

The gracious spirit and energy created here flows naturally to all corners of Wanosato calming and welcoming the guest to revisit night after night.