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The Ryokan Collection
8 Historic Ryokans in The Ryokan Collection
When it comes to planning an aspirational trip, you may dream of somewhere brand new and eccentric rather than the history-filled enclaves. But, with 1,300 years of Japanese ryokan’s history, the member ryokans of The Ryokan Collection feature its historical architectures and great authenticity of hospitality filled with world-old grandeur. If you are looking to discover the history buff and culture freak inside you, here are the best historic ryokans in The Ryokan Collection for you to set off on a new type of journey in 2021.
 1  Hiiragiya [Location: Kyoto]
Hiiragiya is located around the center of Kyoto, has been standing for more than 200 years. The ryokan initially opened as a transportation business, and it also ran a seafood dealer selling sea fish. The store was located along the main road where travelers come and go, so they also let other merchants stay in their place. With Hiiragiya’s warm hospitality and tranquility, guests make themselves at home in Hiiragiya.
 2  Sumiya [Location: Kyoto]
Sumiya is on the same street as Hiiragiya is located, which takes only about 5 minutes on foot. More than 100 years ago, Sumiya originally started as a salon for cultured people involved with tea ceremony and haikai (a group or plural name for haiku, senryu, and other types of Japanese poetry). The ryokan is also well-known for its tea ceremony, and it still has several tea rooms in the ryokan. Sumiya is a long-established sukiya style ryokan with a high tradition and prestige.
 3  Seikoro [Location: Kyoto]
Seikoro is founded in 1813, one of the Japanese ryokans with a long history, although the current building was built in the Meiji and Taisho Periods. The exterior looks Japanese style ryokan, but there are stained glasses and Western-style signboards inside. It is a retro-style ryokan with a combination of authentic Japanese style and elegant Western style.
 4  Ginrinsou [Location: Hokkaido]
Although Ginrinsou, located in Otaru, Hokkaido, was founded as a ryokan in 1939, its building was initially built in 1900 as the residence of Yasunojō Inomata, who made a fortune in herring fishing. The main building, called "Herring Palace," is registered as a momentous historic building of Otaru City as the "former Inomata residence."
 5  Kotohira Kadan [Location: Kagawa]
Kotohira Kadan was initially born as a hatagoya, lodging for travelers, along with the approach to Kotohiragu Shrine in 1627. In 1905, Kotohira Kadan was opened as a culinary ryokan with all separated rooms. According to the historical fact, the ryokan had supported and let painters and calligraphers stay, in addition to welcoming writers, artists, and visitors of the shrine back then. The view from the villas, surrounded by the Japanese garden, is breathtakingly graceful.
 6  Ryokan Kurashiki [Location: Okayama]
Ryokan Kurashiki, located in Kurashiki Bikan Historical Quarter along the Kurashiki River, is a beautiful quaint ryokan born by taking over the kurayashiki (daimyo's storehouse) of a sugar wholesaler initially built in the Edo Period. The guestrooms are all spacious, and some of them are renovated from a 260-year-old rice granary. It is just perfect for exploring Kurashiki's history and culture and the beauty of the traditional architectures.
 7  Wanosato [Location: Gifu]
Wanosato is located in Takayama, Gifu, surrounded by untouched land and nature. Its land is vast, roughly 15,000 tsubo (approx. 50,000 sqm). You can absolutely enjoy the changing of beautiful Japanese four seasons whenever you visit throughout the year. Each of the eight unique guestrooms is full of history and Japanese culture. The ryokan is perfectly suitable for Hida's climate, cool in summer and warm in winter.
 8  ryugon [Location: Niigata]
In Minamiuonuma, Niigata, a majestic mansion stands out in Japan's heaviest snowfall areas. The ryokan, ryugon was named after Ryugonji Temple, the family temple of Nagao Masakage, the brother-in-law of Kenshin Uesugi, and the former owner of the Sakado Castle. The mission of ryugon is to preserve this invaluable area along with its cultures and traditions for the next decades. The ryokan ryugon is a symbol that embraces Minamiuonuma’s past and present and connects to the future.
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